Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Help Minorities How can he succeed without a guide. Nothing Happens by Accident. Our plight is mostly unforced errors. Then we blame society. Support Us Become Mainstream Help Working Many new mothers are kicked out of the work force because of lack of support. While many older and retired mother lack the training to provide such services. Help us bridge the gap View More Mothers Succeed Privately Funded Help us provide mentorship, apprenticeship and leadership in molding the next generation. In this environment it takes a lot of money because of competing interests. Lets rise to the Challenge. View More After School Program

Who We Are?

We are People of African Origin, and not blacks, because the term Black has been racially driven from the times of the Slave Trade

We are Professionals of African Origin 

As professionals of African origin, we find it necessary that we work hard and turn our standard of living round for the better. By race we are Naturally different, yet there is power in diversity that makes us to value our diversity. And that is why we shall seek to invest in our african brothers and sisters with our professional skills, and other resources. That will include empowering all employees of African descent to fulfill their dreams

We are Teenagers of African Origin, and                            we are with a focus

The youth of African descent must rise to challenge of defining their own identity. They must rise to the challenge of watching each other’s back, supporting each other, and not tearing each other down. They must use and rely on each other as direct linkages in their professional and business dealings.The Youth of African Descent have had the experience of unfortunately being served very differently and inappropriately when they are placed alongside the youth of other races. Ostensibly, this has always raised the issue of equity, implicit bias, and at-risk children, teenagers, and young adults of African descent. That is why they must rally alongside each other to push and change both implicit and explicit forms of inequities in the diaspora. Schools, colleges, and the workplaces are strong places to begin from; and there will be the need to stay involved and be pushing for resources to be provided to all communities of people of African descent. There will also be the need to help reorient people of African descent with ideas of how to reason, reflect and behave within any community they find themselves in, and pay a great attention to racial concerns.

We are the Upcoming  kids of African  Origin 

When wrongful and embarrassing incidents like any form of socially entrenched discrimination, and injustice happen to even our little kids of African descent, people with a conscience should condemn such acts as a disgrace. The good thing is that many people from other racial segments are beginning to accept that systemic racism against the people of African descent persists and must be curbed through all means that one can think off.

  Empowering little kids of African descent with knowledge, through education, from a tender age to their adulthood is one sure path of fighting inequities meted out against them. Networking for opportunities among professionals and businesses of people of African descent is a sure path of redeeming young people of African descent from being suppressed and denied opportunities in life. Learning a sense of self-worth and dignity will enable them apply commonsense to situations, be creative and measure up beyond any stereotyping that is leveled against them.


We commit ourselves to the spiritual and social wellness of today’s Minorities of African origin in the diaspora, with a focus in Ohio and Texas.

Our Programs are Meant to Establish Activities that will Unifyand Promote theCulture of the People of African Origin


Minority inclusion Afterschool program

A place where children of African descent will feel the warmth and spirit of being African, and where that feeling will come alive through learning, prayer, crafts and song. 


A peer mentoring program. Teens will assist Elementary students with homework, in various academic subjects as well as direct activities and crafts for the children.



                                                                                    MI Academy,

We envision an academy of a private high school that will be registered and approved by the state government of Ohio and Texas. An academy that will offer a variety of accredited courses to students in Grade 8 through 12.

African Ball

Once a week, local teens of African Descent will have the opportunity to team up at a local gym play some games, hang around with friends and relax from the stresses from school activities of the week. They find healthy release in a positive and fun environment





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